Maerwynn Signing In!

Hiya, everybody! I'm Lady Aquila Maerwynn Rosa of Anmeres, the royal mascot of the Blog Abroad. Since I have such a long name just call me Maerwynn, or Maer, for short; it saves time. :) Anyways, I'm the mascot! Isn't that awesome!? It's a tough job being a mascot. I have to read the Blog Abroad and keep my human Erika in line. (She's the editor, and sometimes she's kinda lazy; I have to keep a close eye on her.) It's nice to have a human. I have short forepaws so I can't type well so she types what I dictate to her. What a wonderful human. :)

That's all for now! There's lots of stuff to get done about here. I'll be checking back in soon!


Amadea W. said...

adorable. I like how badly she makes you appear Erika. Way to be self-deprecating.

What is she supposed to do exactly?

Maerwynn said...

I'm simply the mascot. I make the Blog pretty and provide commentary on all things abroad. And it's true; my human can be lazy at times, which is the other reason I'm here: to keep her on top of things.

Thanks for calling me adorable!

dr demarco said...

Has Maerwynn ever considered dating? A friend of mine, the Black Beast of Aarggh was discretely inquiring.